
Exterior Space Request Process

All campus space, both interior and exterior, must be used in a manner consistent with University of California and UC Riverside policies. Spaces must meet State of California and federal code requirements. The Exterior Space Committee, or ESP, is charged with ensuring all exterior campus spaces conform to regulatory and policy requirements, campus planning, and aesthetic considerations.

The Exterior Space Committee must approve:

  • A proposed use, or change in use of any space that is outside of a building.
  • The assignment of campus land for temporary use — typically two years or less — by a campus unit.
  • A request for exterior signage, exterior furniture and amenities.
  • The installation of research equipment or communication infrastructure on campus grounds or on buildings.
  • Any other exterior change.

The committee is chaired by the campus architect. The committee includes representatives from Facilities Services, Planning, Space Management, Campus Planning, and Building & Safety.

Below is a visual of the current Exterior Space Request Process Flow.

If you have a need for exterior space, please Submit a Service Request with Facilities Services.